You told me that there was a ritual that you perform when you first start to mushroom. Describe it to me.
I like to do is to stop for a moment when I enter an area and recognize the spirits who are present and honor them. When I get to a specific area to gather, sometimes I like to call on the 6 directions: east, south, west, north, above and below. I like to recognize the particular direction.
This is my own personal choice. It really doesn’t have a lot to do with American Indians specifically. It has more to do with earth based religions throughout the world which recognize nature and the spirit within nature, confirming that we are all a part of nature. My ceremony recognizes and honors that place and what I am about to gather. I give a thank you and give Native American tobacco. I sprinkle it on the ground. I follow my own instant on where to put it. A lot of times it’s around the bigger or the mother of the group. That type of thing. The larger one. I only gather parts or pieces of an area. I don’t ever deplete an area.
Sometimes when I go for a hike I will perform the tobacco ceremony. Or, maybe at the end of the hike I’ll take the tobacco and sprinkle around the base of a particularly large tree, thanking the spirits for providing this opportunity. It’s just part of a gratitude thing.