We had the good fortune to attend a presentation on "The Art of Cultivating Mushrooms on Logs" at the Wild Rivers Mushroom Festival on November 3, 2019. Levon Durr, owner of Fungaia Farm, a family run farm in the foothills of Humboldt County, instructed and offered insight into the mystery of log farming.
Captivating his audience with not only his knowledge but also his ability to share that knowledge, Levon offered both instruction and demonstration. Attendees walked away with a fully inoculated alder log and the directions on how to care for it over the upcoming months.
We've decided to share these instructions with you, dear reader, and encourage you to purchase your plug spawn and other supplies directly from Fungaia Farm. Check out their workshops, videos and activities in mycoremediation. You are sure to find them helpful and encouraging. We did!

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