Stephen Axford is an ambassador for Sony Australia and has an international reputation as a specialist in nature photographer with a particular passion in macro fungi photography. He also has a unique expertise in time-lapse photography of fungi.
The beauty and scientific accuracy of Stephen’s fungi photography have captivated national and international media, fungi experts and the general public, with a following that stretches from Patagonia to Vladivostok.
His photographs have appeared in international books and magazines, including: Nat Geo Magazine in Spain/Portugal, Geo Magazine in Germany, Roots Magazine in Holland, the 2014 International Union for the Conservation of Nature ‘Red List of Threatened Species’, The Australian Conservation Foundation calendars, the ‘The Magic of Mushrooms’ Guardian Observer [UK], Daily Mail UK, ‘Fungi article’ Civilization Magazine of Beijing in China and ‘Fungi special’ Sciences et Avenir science magazine in France.
Stephen’s fungi time-lapses were featured in the BBC Planet Earth 2 blue chip natural science documentary and will also be featured in another international documentary in 2017.
In recent years Stephen has shared the science of fungi and his experiences photographing fungi to packed houses in presentations in Australia, China and Chile. And, a new direction in his work is his collaborations with international universities and fungi organisations to photograph and document fungi in forests around the world.
At the invitation of the China Academy of Science Stephen had photographed the fungi in China’s only remaining tropical rainforests. These have subsequently been used to illustrate a comprehensive field guide of fungi in Yunnan.
For Stephen international presentations and partnerships is a significant way to share the story of fungi and its importance to life on the planet.
Pretty impressive credentials, wouldn't you agree? Be sure to consider gifting yourself or friends with this treasure of a calendar.