We've hosted our recipe contest for 11 years, and continue to be humbled every year by the innovative submissions that we receive. We don't envy the judges. They taste and savor, ring their hands, dither and debate - which recipe should be designated the winner? After much thoughtful consideration, they narrow the choice down to one, and leave the others behind. But not this year.
We've requested and been given permission to print three recipes (one each in the months of April, May and June) that caused such a delicious quandary for the judges. Should one of them have been the top-rated recipe in this year's contest? The judges' decision remains firm and unchanged. See for yourself whether you think the judges were right or wrong. The decision is yours to make. Whatever your thoughts, we know that you'll find yourself in complete agreement that these 3 months display extraordinary recipes.
Chef Nick Thiers is the second recipe in our 3-part recipe series. He sent us the following information: "I have been in love with food ever since I can remember, I wrote my first recipe in the second grade. I hold two degrees from Le Cordon Bleu and over 20 certifications in the culinary field. I got the food competition bug a few years back and I try to do as many competitions as possible. In 2016 I won World Chef Champion and from 2017 to today I am currently World Ranked #1 through the World Food Championships out of 377 Chefs."
Thanks for enriching our contest with your entry, Chef!
Lovely to look at, and
heavenly to taste!
Chef Nick Thiers' Mushroom Rockefeller
2 tablespoons of minced shallots
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup of fresh shiitake mushrooms, finely chopped
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 cup bread crumbs
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
4 tablespoons chopped parsley
1 dozen fresh Gulf Oysters, shucked and returned to their half shell
Garnishes: Spring mix lettuce, edible flowers
- Sauté the shallots, garlic, and chopped mushrooms.
- While that mixture is cooling, combine the mayonnaise, breadcrumbs, cheeses and parsley in a bowl. (No salt will be needed, depending on the Parmesan cheese).
- Once cooled, add the sauteed mixture to the bowl and combine thoroughly.
- Top each oyster with a spoonful of the mixture. Broil until the cheese is melted and golden brown.
- Plate on a bed of kosher salt and garnish with spring mix lettuce and edible flowers.