Although our quest for morels early in May proved to be a bit premature, we've hearing reports from several reliable sources that they are finding these highly prized mushrooms east of I-5 in the Klamath Falls and Lake of the Woods area, as well as in the Wallowas. They were all at high elevation, something in excess of 3,500 feet. Our resourceful mushrooming buddies boast that their specimens this year are very large in size and in quantity.
At this time, Mt. Hood doesn't seem to be an extremely productive area according to our sources. For us personally, we've typically found that the end of May through June seem to be the prime moreling season on Mt. Hood.
Don't settle for a sketch, as beautiful as it may be!
Go out and gather spring boletes!
Oh, and one more thing. We've given up picking in burns - the charcoal and other debris don't make for an enjoyable experience, regardless of how plentiful the morels may be!
Perhaps last night's distant rainbow
is a sign of things to come!