Ah, simplicity in its finest form: a mushroom butter to accent steaks, vegetables, breads, pasta, eggs, and whatever you would like to enhance with a buttery, mushroom accent. Gosh, did someone say: how about popcorn ... well, maybe not popcorn!
This recipe came to us from the late, and very special Patrice Benson, a dear and energetic lady who was a long-time cornerstone of the Puget Sound Mycological Society (PSMS), loved by all. It's a good, basic formula that can easily be adjusted to suit personal preferences. For example, our favorite rendition has cilantro, with its citrusy undertones, standing in for the parsley while hedgehogs replace the boletes - it was a banner year for hedgehogs on our reserve so we're enjoying them in many dishes!
We prefer to blend our butter with chopped cilantro,
finely grated Meyer lemon peel and powdered hedgehogs.
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