This new video on YouTube is one of the best and most informative 9 minute periods I've spent in years, and I think you'll find it is for you, too. I don't want to give the whole story away, but imagine a world with no more styrofoam - no squeaky, throw-away-after-one-use cups, no large blocks that your new computer, TV or stereo comes packaged in that then fill your garbage can (and the local landfill), and - perhaps best of all - no more styrofoam packaging "peanuts" that scatter everywhere the second you open a package. And all that styrofoam uses tremendous quantities of petroleum (purchased, in many cases, from countries that don't like us very much and use the dollars we buy it with to work against us). Oh, and did I mention that all of this styrofoam we now use will still be around thousands of years from now?
You get the idea. Take a few minutes to watch this video. Then, if you agree that this is a great idea whose time has come, forward it to every elected representative you can think of and ask them to enact legislation requiring its use. If our government can foist highly questionable technologies like ethanol and compact fluorescent lights on us in the name of the environment, maybe it could actually do something worthwhile!
Here's the link: