As I write this in early February, tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday (Go, Saints!), and our section of the Oregon coast is gray and damp, although surprisingly windless today, at least temporarily. My mind is wandering to spring time, and what it may hold for us in the way of mushrooms.
The fall, 2009 season wasn't a good one for us, in terms of quantity. As Mary has written, we found new mushrooms that were interesting and fun to encounter, but some of our old friends were conspicuous by their absence. Sure, we found enough Golden Chanterelles for the table, but not enough to preserve much for future years. Boletes weren't abundant, and neither were Matsutakes, at least in our favorite haunts. What will Spring hold for us?
Much depends on the timing and amount of our travels. If I was to schedule an ideal year, when we had ample time and the Mushroom Gods cooperated, it would look something like this.
Verpa are a sure sign of spring!