November's off to an amazing start!
Saturday, the 1st of November, was stormy, with about 2 inches of rain collecting in our Humbug Mountain rain gauge. Steven was a little under the weather on Saturday, while I was in an OSU Master Preserver Training all Saturday, so neither of us minded the nasty weather. We hadn't been planning to go out gathering mushrooms on Saturday anyway- good thing, hum?
Sunday, the sun came out, blue skies returned, and in the afternoon we collected remarkable quantities of boletus and matsutaki from the freshly rejuvenated forest floor. All specimens were in exceptionally good condition. What a great first outing of the year!
The woolly capped boletus is infrequently
gathered for the table.
Most of Sunday's collection is now tucked into dehydrator trays (the boletes do deteriorate so quickly!) to be used in future culinary adventures. You might want to check out the recipe pages on our website for some ideas on how to use dried mushrooms.
What about golden chanterelles, you may be asking. Although Steven and I have only encountered a few handfuls of goldens, we've had reports from fellow mushroomers that they are in abundant quantities along the coastal strip from Brookings northward and especially in the Pistol River area.
Happy hunting!