The Wild Rivers Mushroom Club held a meeting in Brookings on Saturday, April 19th at the Chetco Grange Community Center to host presentations by two guest speakers.
After his presentation, Eric answered
questions from club members and guests.
Eric Cerecedes of PowerShroom gave an interesting and informative presentation on the medicinal aspects of fungi. Eric has acquired his knowledge through extensive reading, research and independent study.
The science is new and a bit bewildering to most of us, although it is more “mainstream” to the Chinese and other more traditional medicines, and there are certainly some strong indications that mushrooms have their place in the pharmacopeia.
PowerShroom produces a number of fungal products promoting wellness, and while we cannot offer an opinion on their appropriateness or efficacy, Eric and his associate, Paul West, certainly are sincere believers in their products and the benefits they offer.
Paul, shown in the center of this photo,
handles communications for the young company.
Also scheduled to appear, noted local conk artist, Lyn Rogers, unfortunately took ill at the last minute and was unable to attend. We have seen her work, and she is a skilled artist who has taught herself to work in a highly unusual medium. We hope to hear her talk about her work sometime soon.
In lieu of Ms. Rogers' talk, vivacious club president Kathleen McKee gave a presentation on morels, which was informative and enjoyed by all.